Where Now?

We never dared think that there would be an “after it is over” moment to have to think about. But we are there.

What occurred with this judge demonstrates the kind of problems in our judicial system. It was hard not to notice that a lot of staff and other court house folks were hurt by the judge’s resignation. For them it represented the loss of a family member but also someone who shared their sometimes very caustic view of defendants and plaintiffs.

The Probate and Family Court is supposed to be more accessible than other courts allowing for Pro se to be effective. Perhaps this is a good and positive place for the head of the state court and her staff to start by really reviewing the support and help the public gets in this court and eliminating the tremendous advantage lawyers still seem to have. Positive strides could be made by training and monitoring clerks in making sure they help folks and giving them the technological knowledge to be more effective at this.

The difference between county courts in this regard is palpable. And your future and your family’s well-being should not depend either on who you get for a clerk, how his or her day is going or how much money you have to pay a lawyer, or not.

So that is a good place to start.

~ by franklicense on May 10, 2008.

3 Responses to “Where Now?”

  1. I am grateful to see that the owner of this blog is continuing it now that Judge Livingstone has resigned. He is right–Judge Livingstone was only able to get away with ignoring the requirements of the law for because of deeply rooted problems in the system itself, and because pro se complaints are not taken seriously.

  2. Sorry==I accidentally deleted a phrase. I meant to say that Judge Livingstone was only able to get away with ignoring the requirements of the law for so long because of deeply rooted problems in the system itself.

  3. I am glad to see that you are continuing this too. I am a pro-se and still trying to battle the system. From my experience some of the clerks and staff are nasty and dont’ want to be bothered to help the pro-se, it is like a cult in there, if you don’t have a lawyer you don’t belong….It saddens me that my kids are not getting the justice they deserve. I have continued my quest to right the wrongs that Livingstone has done to my kids, but still I have NO response from the court…I filed a reconsideration, and was told I would hear something, that it is done internal and they have 13 days to review it and get back to me, well now it is one month later, and I still have heard nothing. I am afraid to rock the boat by calling…..I have been assigned to Judge Robert’s now, I dont’ know her, but I hope she will be true to the system and do what is right for my 7 kids….

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