Brockton Court Workshop Proves Need for Elected Judges

This workshop was interesting to be a lurker at. It was intended as a way for lawyers to address their process issues with the judges. We counted at least seven times that the judges reassured the lawyers that there would not be retaliation for whatever they said.

Of course that tells us something else, does this mean that “retaliation” is the norm? It sure sounded like an accepted practice, retaliating against a lawyer when she exercised free speech. Some have said that Judge Livingstone was the tip of the iceberg.

Do judges retaliate when a lawyer does her job? This is pretty amazing and throws another weight on the scale for elected judges using restricted campaigns. Never thought we would feel this way but at least elections make these judges accountable to someone and if we have to put up with some of the downside of elected officials it may be worth it.

Will a judge retaliate against a lawyer or civilian if they know the papers may make a story out of it and they will lose their next election? Probably not, although the recent fear the media demonstrated with the Livingstone situation does not provide much hope.

~ by franklicense on June 6, 2008.

3 Responses to “Brockton Court Workshop Proves Need for Elected Judges”

  1. I know many lawyers who fear retaliation, and I don’t think anything has changed since Livingstone’s resignation. I think the other Judges are protecting all of his doings, and it is so sad to watch. I think the Judges also penalize the pro-se’s too. We have no help but are held to the same standards of a lawyer, does that make sense? Does it make sense that family court does NOT offer lawyers for families like they offer them for criminals??? I would be better off to kill someone than to divorce my ex….Does it make sense to anyone that a mom of 7 kids between the ages of 13-3 have to pay half of health insurance, half of sports, co-payments and all of the pre-school tuition????? This mother does not have a career, except for raising their children, but that too was knocked by the Judge, but the ex husband was praised for wanting to take his kids every two weeks, and allowing them to sleep on a basement floor….What about the mother who sacrificed everything to move out, to make sure the children had a roof over their head after their marital home was foreclosed, to make sure the children are fed, and clothed on a daily basis, where is the praise for the mother??????? Now to see the court upholding Livingstones piggish ways is a disgrace..

  2. Somebody should investigate judge Lisa Roberts , she is takeing over a lot of Judge Livingstones cases and again doing nothing that is in the best interest of the children, she also allegedly was found to have altered tapes in a recorded session , if you google Judge Lisa A. Roberts you can read for yourself, that is a criminal offense , yet because she is a Judge in the state of Mass. nobody does anything, how many childrens lifes are these Judges going to scar and ruin before someone holds them accountable.

  3. Paul;
    We in Bristol County can relate to you. Judge LaStaiti is in the same league. She is practicing and promoting Parent Alienation Syndrome witch has been proven to be a farce. Google Doctor Richard Gardner and see for yourself. We have lost a child in our family to a pedophile. Lets get on our Rep`s, we need to have these EVIL people removed and we need to vote our judges in.

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