We The People

We hope that soon we can take up other issues that require the attention of Windowpain Clarity but unfortunately until this Judge Livingstone matter is “disposed of” it is probably the single most pressing issue of grave importance to the residents of the entire South Shore of Massachusetts. We have just come across another very recent tale of injustice, prejudice, bias and clear malfeasance on the part of the Judge that it must be publicly shared. We know this person personally so can provide you with very direct information. This is quite an extreme example of the human side of what Judge Livingstone damages and the devil is again in the details. Perhaps it will spur on action.

There is a gentleman in his late fifties with a 30 year record of being the CEO of several children’s charities, mostly providing services to abused children and to families with a high level college degree and an extensive record as an elected and appointed municipal official in two towns on the South Shore who has been battling a nasty divorce proceeding with his ex-wife for several years with Judge Michael Livingstone presiding .

From the beginning it has been clear that this judge has decided that somehow this fellow is a deadbeat Dad and even though Dad has never missed child support which he always pays at over what the formula requires and that he has paid more than his share to put now 2 children through university and keep one in a very expensive private school while battling congestive heart failure and other heart problems, various surgeries and has been fully invested in a startup to provide services for the disabled elderly and veterans, this Judge has continued to find against him. Even though this man has paid for his children to purchase cars, go to Europe and Argentina while he struggles to just keep his health and build his business, using mortgages and credit cards as do many startups, this judge treats him with extreme bias and prejudice. Relevant to this story is the fact that this gentleman was just out of the hospital for heart treatments due to a heart attack for five days before what is to follow.

In the third week of January 2008, now last week, Michael Livingstone sentenced this man to 90 days in a maximum security prison, the Plymouth County Correctional Facility. This man’s ex-wife who now with her new husband earns almost $400,000 a year as well as some unknown payout for him from his former vice-president’s position at Kingston Technology was determined to do as much harm to her former husband as she could and her lawyer and the judge were more than willing to cooperate during this hearing which was held to finalize some relatively small financial disagreements.

In the hearing itself Jude Livingstone heard the wife’s/plainfiff’s lawyer’s argument and then before hearing the man’s case that these educational costs were already paid had his clerk call down to the holding facility and prepare for the man to be incarcerated also positioning the courtroom bailiff behind the man again making it clear that this judge had made his decision before even hearing the father’s case or looking at his numbers.

We are told by the staff at both Brockton Court and the Plymouth Court that this is very common behavior for Judge Livingston. They for obvious reasons do not want to go on the record but indicated to us that they intensely dislike this judge and are fully aware of how he operates. They are aware of the charges against this judge and they indicated great relief knowing he would be gone as he damages their own integrity and clearly puts people in jail who never should be there.

There are too many issues in this situation to go into great detail beyond clear malfeasance in not considering both case arguments and then making a decision. Why is ninety days in a maximum security prison an appropriate sentence for a financial disagreement that was never discussed in a so-called “four way meeting?” This was a man that clearly loved his children and worked hard to support them and had just had a heart attack, he could have been being sentenced to death given the stress he experienced.

For now let us just finish with the subject line, “We The People,” this judge is answerable to no one and must be held to the letter of the law, not unfairly as he treats people in his courtroom but fairly and with transparency and due process. The transparency, windowpain clarity, is up to us, the due process must take place.

~ by franklicense on January 19, 2008.

4 Responses to “We The People”

  1. I hope more people will post on this blog, rather than stopping the fight now that Livingstone has resigned. The CJC consistently took the position that anything that was appealable was not properly before them. That simply is not true. There are many appealable orders that violate judicial canons–for example, refusing to rule as the law requires, which is one of the most frequently voiced complaints against Livingstone. A person’s inability to afford an appeal should not stop them from being able to have a complaint heard. The second problem with the CJC is that there should be some kind of mechanism in place to prevent retaliation. If the litigant voiced a valid complaint, then the judge should have to agree with the CJC to recuse himself from all further cases with that complainant due to the potential for retaliation, even if the complaint was dismissed with an informal reprimand. There should also be some oversight of the CJC (Commission on Judicial Conduct) by the SJC (Supreme Judicial Court). We know that Livingstone would still be on the bench if the decision had been left in the hands of the CJC. If Raymond Hotte (what a great man) had not persistently complained directly to the SJC, resulting in the Supreme Judicial Court pressuring the CJC to take some action, it is possible that Judge Livingstone would never have been charged to begin with. There should be some way to appeal from the CJC’s refusal to take any action. According to their own website, they dismiss out of hand almost all complaints by litigants. It seems like they only pay attention when the complaints are voiced by attorneys. It is not until judges realize that even unrepesented litigants can call them to account for their misdeeds that there will be any justice for the average person.

    I would also encourage litigants to visit the website of HALT, http://www.halt.org (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny). HALT tries to publicize judicial abuse, although they are mainly focused on exposing the system’s failure to effectively prosecute complaints against lawyers.

  2. I commend you for your efforts. I have worked in the legal system for 17 years. I have never seen anything like the behavior of the judges in Plymouth County Probate and Family Court (except for Middlesex scandals). Family being the key word. How can the acts of these judges which are so contrary to reuniting families continued be tolerated? These acts are creating an extremely harmful systemic problem in our county and the children are the ones unduly suffering. Currently, I am personally aware of at least 10 families struggling to receive justice with JUDGE MENNO. Strengths comes in numbers and I believe we have a JR. Judge Livingstone in the make however, there is yet to be a voice for the bias, unexplainable, illegal practices, harmful, and irrational behaviors of Judge Menno. Absent the voice of all litigants at the hands of all Judges in Plymouth County, I am afraid the proper course of action and accountability will never move the CJC to change. I am willing to be the voice or share my ideas on how effective changes can begin. I would welcome further discussions with you. I wonder if you have taken complaints regarding Judge Menno. I look forward to your response.

  3. There is an “Open Dialogue on Court Practices” being held Thursday, May 29th 4:30 – 6:30 at Brockton Probate and Family Court. It’s mission is to make change in order to do that the Chief Registrar is holding this forum.
    ALL are welcome to attend, call 617-338-0530 to register there is no cost nor requirement, feel free to email biasatthebench@yahoo.com for more information or visit the Courthouse and view the posting on all bulletin boards in the major hallways. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD no matter who your Judge is or what problems you have faced in this Courthouse.
    I encourage your attendance. “Love should not hurt”

  4. My four children and I have been severly sbused by an unjust judgement of one of the Plymouth County Probate Judges. You will be horrified at this occurance!!! I want to be heard. Please help!!!

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