Livingstone Cuts Deal

Word has it that Plymouth County Probate and Family Court Judge Michael Livingstone has cut a deal with the Commission on Judicial Conduct (CJC) to step down so they will be forced to drop their action against him. Thus the indefinite postponement first released on December 20 of last year. There are two outstanding problems with this, the first is that until he does step down he continues to irreparably damage families, children, Moms and Dads with his off the wall decisions. We thought CJC and the legislature had a duty to uphold laws and protect the public as their primary duties. Letting a guy who clearly has problems continue to stay on the bench with all of that power over folks is nuts and makes us question why CJC even exists if this is all they can do.

Media outlets other than this one are withholding publishing or going on the air with the story because they are worried that somehow this will cause him to retaliate or strike back and refuse to resign. Believe all of us who know this guy, it can’t get any worse and if you all had not heard yet, all bullies are chickens harboring deep-seated self-esteem problems and bad press is like a high colonic for them, best possible cure. Right now he is like a cornered tiger and does not care what he does being even more dangerous than he already was.

All of which leads to the “big” issue, how to prevent this happening in the future besides preventing Jane Swift from appointing judges, which should no longer be a problem. We are researching the pros and cons of elected judges and can see a system whereby judges are elected every four years and forbidden to campaign, thus no special interest money. The press has the responsibility to publicize judge profiles for the public at election timed to help the decision but the judges are forbidden from campaigning.

After seeing what can go wrong, especially in family court, we figure there has got to be a better way. Why do two of the three pillars of democracy, executive and legislative have to be subject to the will of the people but the third does not?

Many states elect judges quite successfully and layering in the component of preventing campaigning from being an issue removes some of the problems an elected judge system does experience, the influence of money.

We believe it long past time for a dialog on this issue leading to a statewide referendum to subject all state district judges to election and creating the statutes or constitutional changes to make this possible. Unfortunately Michael Livingstone is not the only judge who needs a second look and better oversight.

~ by franklicense on January 5, 2008.

2 Responses to “Livingstone Cuts Deal”

  1. I am so glad they did not allow Livingstone to cut a deal, he has never allowed me a deal, why should he get one? Livingstone is not a humane person by any means. I have tried to figure out how to deal with him, I have had a lawyer, I have been pro-se, but nothing seems to work. Either my problem is that I am a woman, that I am a gay woman, I have 7 kids, or maybe it is that my ex is a fireman and he likes town employees. I do know that NO matter who I talk to NO one will take him on, and it SUCKS. My 7 kids are suffering because of this monster. He once said to me I was being trivial because I asked that my ex keep pillows and blankets at his apartment, rather than the kids bringing them to his place each week. He won’t allow me to have any of my ex’s bonus or half of the taxes, WHY??? I am a stay at home mom, because my ex and I chose that, I do NOT have an education to fall back on, but my ex does because we lived with my parents so he could go to school. I can’t go out and make extra money, but my ex can…..I am the one who is with the children 24/7 except every two weeks he takes the kids for 38 hours, and usually the 4 oldest are in school, he doesn’t call during the week to talk to them either, oh but he is a wonderfull father, according to Livingstone..Does anyone think it is a conflict of interest that my girlfriend(yes we are gay) has the same Judge, and that my ex lawyer had the same Judge in his case???? Livingstone does NOT follow the law or anything that was taught in the parenting class, I think it is time for him to have some courses on how to be a human being….

  2. There is an “Open Dialogue on Court Practices” being held Thursday, May 29th 4:30 – 6:30 at Brockton Probate and Family Court. It’s mission is to make change in order to do that the Chief Registrar is holding this forum.
    ALL are welcome to attend, call 617-338-0530 to register there is no cost nor requirement, feel free to email for more information or visit the Courthouse and view the posting on all bulletin boards in the major hallways. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD no matter who your Judge is or what problems you have faced in this Courthouse.
    I encourage your attendance. “Love should not hurt”

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