Deal Rejected by SJC

Now we have the Supreme Judicial Court rejecting a deal between the Commission on Judicial Conduct and Michael Livingstone. And the SJC ordering that a hearing be held on May 19 seemingly finding sufficient cause to not let him off the hook with what was widely held to be a six month suspension.

This “judge” has violated laws, he has harmed many families and mothers and he has put people in jail telling them that, “ignorance is no excuse.”We think the same standard should be applied to this judge himself and to think otherwise is ridiculous. Michael Livingstone is by virtue of his role to be held to an even higher standard than the rest of us and his boss and the legislature are not even holding him to our standard.

The former Governor of New York, Elliot Spitzer made his bones on being a strong law and order guy. Likewise  Michael Livingstone who anointed himself,  “Iron Mike” (which was fawningly repeated by the Patriot Ledger), also the epitome of  law and order in Family Court, now has to take his own medicine. At least Elliot Spitzer had the courage to admit his wrongs and fall on his own sword whereas Judge Livingston is doing everything to hang onto his bench and that $134,000 salary, meanwhile continuing to destroy families and women with his outrageous decisions.

And, secondly what happened to the Commission on Judicial Conduct? On October 22 2007 they issued a major press release but now have said nothing publicly about the SJC ordering them to hold a hearing. Have they had their hand slapped by the SJC?

If this was a policeman or teacher long ago he or she would have been suspended if not fired.

Finally, what happened to the Press on this story? The New Bedford Standard Times in its new incarnation is covering this but no one else. When Judge Murphy sued the media did it make all the news editors into lawyers? The public has paid to buy all of the junk the media sells in its advertising so we can have a free press but on a story of such major importance our “free press” takes a powder. Come on folks, Livingstone even admitted to many of the charges, you are safe.

The crucial importance of a man with such power and authority over the families and women of the South Shore cannot be over stated. He has literally life and death control over these folks and he admits to being a crook. But the press won’t cover it and the Commission charged with being our judicial watchdog, with its staff no doubt drawing big salaries, backs off.

It is no wonder you all are dying off and not in this case undeserved.

~ by franklicense on March 15, 2008.

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