Statins and Scooters

Sorry to have been down for a couple of weeks we were managing a problem created by a couple of our doctors who are all eager pants to keep cholesterol below 70 by administering in this case Lipitor and then Vytorin. When we began this “healthy regiment” five years ago we thought it was a reaction to stopping  physcial activities of walking and swimming which produced almost debilitating pain in my legs and the doctors confirmed that it could not possibly be the statins. Come a few weeks ago and suddenly the entire body was filled with pain which for a relatively young person was not pleasant.  Research over the Internet indicates that muscle degeneration, possibly irreversible is one of those “little” side effects produced by statin use. The medical and scientific professions have little idea what causes it or how to predict it but by God it won’t stop them writing prescriptions for statins to now over 1/2 billion people. We would ourselves predict that this is going to go the way of other under-researched drugs that went to market way too soon and whose long term effects were not clearly understood

Of course now we understand why we are seeing so many scooter ads on TV. Pretty soon no one will be able to walk and will require a scooter to get around. It is hard not to see this as a convenient plot between scooter companies and big pharma benefitting both while killing off humans. True clarity is such a pain!

~ by franklicense on December 5, 2007.

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